Support ICAP
THE SUCCESS OF ICAP is dependent on grants from foundations, government agencies, as well as support from the University of Denver and the Aspen Institute. However, ICAP also depends on the generous donations of alumni, senior mentors, faculty, staff, and other friends of the program. Individual gifts ensure ICAP’s continued positive impact in governmental, non-profit and private sectors of international affairs.
If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation, you can do this by contributing online:
By going to the University of Denver website:
Please check ‘Click here for more options’
Select International Career Advancement Program Fund (ICAP is listed under the Josef Korbel School of International Studies)
Complete the remaining fields as appropriate.
Or, if you wish to make a tax deductible donation via check, you can do this by sending a check made out to ICAP-University of Denver and mailed to the following address:
Dr. E. Thomas Rowe
Josef Korbel School of International Studies
University of Denver
2201 South Gaylord Street
Denver, Colorado 80208

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